Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Las Vegas - Supernationals 2008


I just came back from Las Vegas, 2008 Supernationals. I have to say that it was a very good event, mostly due to the fcat that it was again at the RIO. A lot of people, competitors and a lot of karting action. Many manufacturers present with their drivers, and essentially at the top level a dispaly of professional effort, from equipment to presentation and image. I do not have much time now to write a long article ( I will in the next days), but here some images:

MORE TO COME... Manuel

Monday, November 17, 2008

ItalKart - great new model for 2009

I had a recent conversation with Michael Valiante of Italian Motors (Italkart) and he mentioned to me that they had a new graphic design for their karts. I received by email recently some impressive images that I like to present to you.

The elegant, aggressive and technical look that the KG EVO and their graphic design and colors displays is a favourite. No questions, I would be attracted to such a product if I would be on the market for a new chassis. Additionally, the excellent reputation of Italian Motors and the Valiante family will be a sure motive for the purchase.

Well done to Italkart for their new designs.


Arrow Kart 2009

Arrow kart recently press released images and data about the new Arrow models for 2009. I just got the image they published and I put it out here. The kart is now
offered with the new KG EVO bodywork style, and it looks great.

So Arrow karters, welcome to KG !