Friday, March 1, 2013

Some exciting new KG products just arrived !

Just in time for the new season. An exciting new rear spoiler adjustable for a full size kart. Designed with the latest lines in mind and in consideration with a limited weight but strong characteristic, this new product is now available for the North American market (as well as the rest of the world of course).

See for yourself in this image here. You can send us an email at for additional information on the item and on how to get it.

It does not replace our other rear bumper for full size (one piece) or the other adjustable rear bumper designed for cadet or junior karts. See images here below:
Cadet adjustable SP.002
Full size one piece SP.500

The new product will allow you to adjust the width of about 20 cm, to tune and optimize various situation including when racing in the rain.

Manuel De Leonibus, KG Karting