Thursday, May 1, 2008

NEW Images and products

Hello there,

Hopefully everything is going well there and the season is rolling along and good things are happening.

I had a lot of work done recently, new projects, new products, and with it a lot of "headaches" with the state of affairs of the US economy as well as the world wide economy. Part of the problem I had, has been with logistics. It took a LONG time to get our shipments from Italy over here, and right now we are on the final stages of the trasport. So, hopefully next week we will be able to have everything available in regards to the new style of bodywork.

But the best answer to any trouble is to work harder and overcome the moment. So, that is exactly what I concentrated on and it worked.

Then, on the racing and commercial front, step by step we are getting more and more manufacturers and teams working with us and I'm quite certain that we will do really well with the new stuff. I got some new images with the EVO 11 bodywork. See here:

The Kart Mini does not have yet the new pods, but they will have them soon. Our fault, as mentioned above on the freight logistic.. Sorry Kart Mini.
We are expecting a quick grow of popularity on the EVO 11. The line and design are the latest advances done on the area, and as usual we are working toward the future to make it easier and better. Part of the good news of the EVO 11 is the nerf bar system, now giving an additional tuning possibility.

This is it for now. Will get back to the blog soon !

Best - Manuel