Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It has been a long time....

Well, sorry for the long delay here. Summer went by, many races went by, many trips around the globe went by....and just this month the race in Las Vegas and all the activity related to it went by. Well, here we are. Let's see what are the latest news.

- The new FP 7 bodywork has been quite succesfull so far this year and has been available in North America for a little while. Several manufacturers and several teams have been using it in USA, like Arrow Kartsport, Praga and OK1, Intrepid, SodiKart, ART Racing and more. It really does look good.


- KG Buru bodywork continued to do well, widely used and in demand. Being as contemporary as the newer FP7, it is a matter of taste. Here some of the manufacturer and teams using it.

- We have been producing a lot of steering wheels this year.  It is without a doubt that our quality standard is now so high that a kart with our steering wheels will stand out and the feed back from drivers is most uniformerly enthusiast. It does make them perform better. Like a quality pair of shoes would compare to an average pair.... 

For more detail on the products please visit www.kgkarting.it and for additional informations on the products and to how to get them or ordering them email kgusa@kgkarting.it

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